Poor Phoebe. I don't like her partner... Just because she really is a traitor. She choose money over Phoebe two times!
But, my favorite song is in this episode. <3 "Jinggle bitch screwed me over. Go to hell jinggle whore. Go to hell, go to hell, go to he-e-eel" Hahahahah
I think that artificial leg girl wasn't really nice. Why was she so freaked about Chandlers third nipple? It's just a nipple, nothing gross or anything. :S
The final joke when Chandler tells everybody that he did a nipple-ectomy and with that "source of all my powers" is really good. xD
Ross could have been a little more understanding (I think. Maybe in his situation I would do the same, we never know). Rachel is new in the job and she is probably not use to every rythim yet. It's natural that, at first, she has to spend more time in it. Plus, it's an exciting, new thing for her. She never thought she would have such an amazing job one day (first time I saw the show, I didn't think she would!), so again, it's natural that she WANTS to spent a lot of time there. But after a while she won't need to do that, and most important, she won't really want to do it, because the whole excitment thing kind of passed. She would still love her job, but wouldn't mind not spending so much time on it.
I guess Ross could try to understand that. He would have to wait a little, but then she would have more time for him.